Monday 14 August 2023

A Lap of Australia Part 2

A Lap of Australia Part 2.

Darwin - Perth.   13th July -1st August  2023

Day 11. Thurs 13th July.  251 kms.   Darwin to Jabiru.

Warming up

Saturday 5 August 2023

A Lap of Australia Part 1

 A Lap of Aus Part 1.

Gold Coast to Darwin - 3rd - 12th July 2023

A Lap of Australia,  WHY ?

Trying out the tent trailer
After all the preparation of designing and making the trailer tent and testing it over the past year or two, it was finally time to give Clementine a chance to be “run in” properly by driving a Lap of Australia !   During the Australian winter time is the only feasible time to do this due to wet seasons and heat up north that close roads for days on end, let alone making it very uncomfortable to camp or explore due to the heat.  Coincidentally it is also our Grand daughter Poppie’s 12th birthday on Aug the 19th, and she lives in Perth so obviously we were going over for that, - Especially since son Damien will be in town from his offshore rig where he works. - so that is my first “target date” .  Janet has some Belgian cousins coming to Australia at the beginning of August so she will fly to Perth on the 6th August, and I plan to drive - via Darwin.