Thursday, 16 April 2020

0018 The list seems to get longer !

0018  The list seems to get longer !
11th April 2020.
There seems to be more to do with every day that passes !

Why isn't the list of things to do getting shorter ?  I don't understand - I keep getting things done each day, but by the end of the day, there are another bunch of new things to do !

Saturday, 4 April 2020

0017 Corona Virus strikes !!!

0017 Corona Virus strikes !!!
31st March 2020
Self isolation is easy when you have lots to do !

In my last post, I had prepared all Clementine's panels for painting - Primed, rubbed down with 600 wet & dry, and ready to go for painting.  So this Monday I went over to check that the paint was ready - "Sorry, the tints haven't arrived yet, and not sure when they will get here".   Grrrrr.  So I then go over to the painters, and it turns out they are having a bit of upheaval at the moment, and it will be 6th April before they will be able to take the car for painting !!  Bugger.   Well, at least the paint should be here by then !! (If not, I checked with another local paint supplier, and he has the tints in stock. )  So I guess I have the time to do some or all of those jobs that I was either putting off, or not planning on doing at all ?!!  Always a silver lining in every black cloud, I guess !!