Sunday 1 March 2020

0015 Is anything ever easy ?

0015 Is anything ever easy ?
Sunday 1st March 2020
When nothing seems to go right !

The wiring is a problem !
The last 2 weeks have been extremely frustrating.  As I have mentioned before, I believe, I am only
pretending to be a mechanic - Underneath I am still just someone with an inquisitive mind who is willing to have a go.  As a result, when some of the more "difficult" mechanical skills are required, I am often left floundering.  With the Healey it was somewhat easier because the car was mostly located in Classic Car Clinic with their expert mechanics, so when an issue came up that stretched my knowledge, I had them to fall back on, and often they were able to even help me do the job.  Another issue is age !!   My strength is not what it was, so often difficult bolts are hard to undo, and additionally, as I do not have a hoist, my car is at floor level, and much of my day is spent getting down on the floor and then up again repeatedly (often to get a spanner I forgot !), so at the end of the day I am exhausted.  As a result of this, I decided to have a few days sitting inside the car doing the wiring - It may have been less physically exhausting, but since I am even less proficient as an auto electrician than I am as a mechanic, it would prove to be mentally exhausting instead !

Sally & Mike arrive at the door !
But first we had the small matter of Janet's birthday to take care of - And as it falls on February 14th (!) I can never forget it !!  This year, because she has not seen her sister much for a while, I decided to fly her sister Sally and her partner Mike up from Melbourne as a surprise, and this was all planned and flights booked 2 months ago.   Then, on the way back from Tasmania after Christmas, Janet suggests we stop in Melbourne "so she could spend time with her sister who she hasn't seen for a while".  😳    "How about 1 day" I meekly suggest........and promptly get shot down in flames as a mean spirited old man.   Ho hum.      We had a lovely 3 days with Sally and Mike !
Shortly after we finally got back home, a long time family friend passed away, and Janet announces that she is off to the funeral.  "Where will you stay?" I carefully ask - already knowing the answer.  "With Sally, of course" she replies.  I did make an effort to suggest that perhaps she did not need to attend the funeral, but of course that was quickly shot down in flames.  "When are you going to come back ?" I ask.   "Perhaps not till after my birthday", she replies.   😳     Fortunately I had a medical appointment the day before her birthday, so she planned to come back for that, so it looked like everything would work out.

Finally I set off to the airport to pick up Sally & Mike, telling Janet I had to "pick up a couple of items".   The plane was an hour late arriving, (of course !) so by the time I got home Janet was in her pj's and ready for bed !  Sally and Mike had gone to great lengths to bring balloons and humerous outfits to surprise Janet, so I had to get Janet into a dressing gown so she could answer the front door.  "Who on earth can that be at this time of night - Why don't you answer the front door ?" she asks.   Close to giving up, I finally got her to the door, and, having spent much of the last 3 weeks staying with them, it was more a case of "What are you doing here ?" rather than "What an amazing surprise !"
Ah well............Champagne before bed, and the next 3 days were spent eating, drinking, and exploring the Gold Coast, and a fine time was had by all.      Eventually !  

Oil cleaner needed internal cleaning
After Sally and Mike left, it was back to work.  My friend and mechanic Steve has been taking some of the "harder" mechanic jobs home with him in order to help me out.  After I had got the swinging arms sandblasted and painted, he had fitted the rear axle bearings in them for me. He has also been putting new CV joints on the drive shafts, and refurbishing the carburettors (which have turned out to be very worn in places).  This week, while I was looking at the oil cooler, which I thought was ready to reinstall, a dollop of thick black oil dribbled out - Uh oh, was it full of the remnants of the engine oil.  I had read that these are best cleaned in an ultrasonic bath, and as Steve has one, I took it to him.  It turned out to be seriously full of really bad "oil", for want of a better word, and took several attempts ti get it clean, including flushing it out eventually with thinners.  A good job this got done before I tried to start the engine !!

The joys of wiring diagrams !
Then it was on to the wiring - again.  Since my car was actually built in Melbourne as a CKD kit, despite it being officially manufactured in April 1970 there is no actual wiring diagram that agrees 100% with the wiring that is in the car.  I have a diagram for "up to 1970", and another for "1970 onwards", and since both are only half correct I have to continually switch between the two and interpolate as best I can.  Not only are wiring colours different in some instamces, but so is the routing. And of course some electrical iems are different - One diagram has a "door open buzzer" while the other has dual brake circuit switches, neither of which I have.  Fun.

Original column wiring
New column wiring
First chore was to work out the steering column wiring which has an
inbuilt loom that fits inside the steering column and carries the wires down from the turn signal and ingnition switch and out to the main loom.  The trouble was that all the plastic parts on my turn signal switch were perished and falling apart, so I needed a new one. This duly arrived from California and was almost identical - except the 8 wires just end loose - I would have to refit them into the inbuilt loom section, and this requires special 2.5 mm wide spade clips !!  I am still waiting on these to arrive, so more on this next time !

Small clips on bottom of wiring
The original fuse box was old and falling apart, and uses the old style torpedo shaped ceramic fuses.  I decided to replace this with a modern spade fuse system - And as I did so, I realised how fiendishly clever the original fuse box design was.   The way it is designed enables the fuses to be visible and changeable from below, while simultaneously enabling the wires to be routed above it, out of sight behind the dashboard.  I will cut this discussion short because after 4 full days of work with the new style fuse boxes, and reachin a stage where the system might be OK, I have decided to try to "invent" some kind of bracket that will enable the new boxes to be mounted in a simlar manner to the old one.  Once again, watch this space......

Understand the title for this post now ?  😊

One way of wiring !
Linked to the fuse box issue was the fact that the original box had several fuse clips joined together
internally in order to spread the current between 2 or 3 separate fuses.  The moden box does not enable this, so I have had to build a number of "wire junctions" to enable a single wire to be split to multiple terminals.  It doesn't look pretty, unfortunately, but I think it will work.........  I will only know once a battery is connected !!

Rear swinging arm refitted
Over the past few days I have struggled immensely to refit the rear torsion bars and then get the cover plates pre-tensioned.   With no engine in the car the back is so light I can easily lift it by hand, so trying to compress a gazillion pound rear spring is impossible - the back of the car just rises up off the stands !!!    Eventually I used the same fencing
turnbuckle and chain to get it into position, and it was NOT easy !    The 2nd side was somewhat easier, but finally I was done.   By this time friend Steve had fitted all the bearings and seals to the two rear trailing arms, so after picking them up, I set-to to refit them. For once I was stunned at how easily it all went back together, and I even got all the positioning marks I had made before dismantling to line up correctly.  Woo hoo !!

Brakes go back together
Next was the brakes. Before fitting the backing plate I had to fit the new brake fluid hoses, and the
first one seemed VERY tight length wise, being stretched skin tight.  Didn't look right.  Measured the hose against the original,
And one side finished !
and sure enough, 1.5 cms shorter !!   Grrrrr.    Anyway, kept going, as I really wanted to get the car mobile again so I could turn her round and start work sanding the bonnet.  So brake backing plate on, refurbished brake shoes in, along with all the "very tight" springs that make them work, drum fitted and everything tightened up, wheel on, and she was done.   Yay !!!

4 torsion bar cover bolts
While tightening up the torsion bar covers, the two manuals I have both said 80 ft lbs for the bolts. 
This seemed very tight to me, but who am I to argue with the experts ?  I struggled to get them to 60 ft lbs, so I thought that would do. On moving to the second side, I got three of the 4 bolts to 60 ft lbs, and as I did the last bolt snapped ! This was
The broken bolt
the last thing I needed !   I was SO upset.   So in despair I went inside to cool off (mentally and physically) and checked the internet, only to find BOTH manuals are wrong, and those bolts are only supposed to be tightened to 25 ft lbs, which is easy !   Now I need to find a way to extract that broken bolt so it can be replaced ! And of course it is the one in the bottom corner, the hardest to reach !

Wrong hose supplied !!!
I then went to install the RH side brake lines, wondering about the length.  Once I crawled
underneath, I saw that while the length was OK, the fittings were wrong !  This side is different from the LH side, and needs a female fitting on each end, not one male and one female.  The supplier had sent the wrong parts - backed up by the first one that had seemed too short.  At this point, being a Sunday so I could not even call up the supplier to complain,  I gave up and came inside and read a book.  Excellent decision - A fascinating book about George Mallory, possibly the first man to ever climb Mount Everest, but since he never made it back down, it was impossible to prove. 

So now I am waiting on brake parts for a couple of days, and am somewhat frustrated, to say the least !

Rest of the pics are here :-

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